
I am Tamim, a surreal pop artist who was born in Tripoli in 1998. My artistic journey has revolved around a powerful theme: addictions. Despite facing the challenges of kidney failure and undergoing regular dialysis treatments, my addiction to art has been the driving force behind my creations. It is through this addiction that I have developed a unique and distinctive style of painting, one that transcends borders and delves into the realm of the surreal.

My paintings serve as reflections of the transformative experiences individuals undergo while grappling with various addictions. They are a visual representation of the changes, both internal and external, that occur during these experimental journeys. Bright, eye-popping colors dominate my artwork, demanding the viewer's attention. Exaggerated features and surreal elements are woven into the tapestry of my paintings, drawing the observer deeper into the intricate layers of emotion and meaning.

My art not only captures the essence of addiction but also serves as a personal outlet for my struggles with health. While undergoing the rigorous process of cleansing my body through dialysis, I found solace and purpose in creating sixteen paintings. Each stroke of the brush, every splash of color, became a means of catharsis and self-expression. Through art, I could confront my own battles and transform them into something tangible and visually striking.

Fortunately, my artistic endeavors did not go unnoticed. The attention of a reputable art dealer was caught by my work, helping me establish myself in the competitive art scene. This breakthrough provided me with the necessary resources and materials to further explore my artistic vision. The support and access I received allowed me to push the boundaries of my creativity and bring my artistic evolution to life.

It is important to note that my artistic process has a mind of its own. Often, I find myself surprised by the final outcome of my creations. This unpredictability speaks volumes about the impact of every specific drug and addiction on an individual. Each stroke of the brush, every color choice, carries the weight of the emotions and experiences associated with the substances people become entangled with.

Through my art, I aim to shed light on the complex and multifaceted nature of addictions. I strive to provoke introspection, spark conversations, and challenge societal perceptions surrounding these struggles. With every brushstroke, I hope to convey a sense of empathy and understanding, urging viewers to delve into their own emotions and experiences, and ultimately fostering a greater sense of connection and compassion.


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Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej


Tamim Metlej



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Beirut, Lebanon

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Call Me

+961 71 407 175

Managed by WAC
Designed by Dev Enigma